Feb 03, 2010

Digital SLR Photography Toolkit for Dummies App Review - what an amazing photography app!

When you think about it, using that fancy new DSLR camera of your isn't going to be the easiest thing. Even any camera for that mater, you have to learn on to use it. I have to personally say, photography is not any easy thing at all. You have a variety of different settings you can use for your ISO, white balance, and lots more. Reading the owners manual will help you learn on how your camera works, but it will not tell you the optimal ways to take and produce a picture.

With Digital SLR Photography Toolkit for Dummies, it does exactly that. You think a lot of those "For Dummies" books really don't give you information you don't know... well, you're wrong. This handy book, more of a user-guide per say, really does come in handy, even if you are a master at photography.

The main screen of this app is very simple and easily broken down. They organize the app in nine sections on a three by three grid. You have the following:

  • Taking Great Pics
  • Shoot Diary
  • Settings Finder
  • Checklists
  • Camera Controls
  • Tools
  • Exposure Calc.
  • Glossary
  • Part of Tens

Don't worry, all of these menu items will be individually talked about.

The shoot diary is a simple way to log all of your photos individually. When you have a lot of photos you may take on your iPhone, you an open up this app and import your already taken photo(s), add a location, title, and notes to really know what that photo was about.

This, in my mind, is a nice application to have. But it would be nice if someone was smart and made a "souped up" application of this to really manage all your photos better.

The settings finder will be one of the most useful features in this application. Because of this one feature, you will always want to be referring to this simple, but yet so advanced, settings finder.

What this basically allows you to do is to select the current situation you're in when you'll take a photo, which by the way, the have 25 situations to choose from and different conditions to go with every one.

Once you find the right situation on condition you're in, the application will give you right there the ISO you should set your camera to, the aperture, and the shutter speed. All of these settings work together, which is why this application can be very handy to figure out what settings you exactly need.

But from what any photographer will say, don't restrict your pictures to these settings. You can always experiment or edit them after the fact!

Under taking great pictures, you have four main categories, and within those four main categories, you have a vast amount of sub-categories. Everything you would want to know about photography can be found in here. I've personally read through every section, granted for the fact that I'm not a huge photographer myself, and all of the information given is very easy to understand, but with so many good pointers.

I cannot show you the text inside of this for obvious reasons, but I can assure you will learn something from this application. From anyone who just likes to take a photo from every now and then to the person who does it for a living, this application will help you work faster, and maybe even learn a couple of hints a long the way that you never known before.

My only gripe about this is when you exit the application, it does not save the current place you were reading in. It would be nice that the application kept this data because there is for sure lots of content to read about.

Whenever you need to go out and start taking photos, you always have checklists you need to make sure you've taken care of before heading out on your mission of taking lots of photos. Luckily, this helpful "For Dummies" app already has all of the things you might need for certain situations.

You don't know how many times I end up forgetting something when going out to somewhere away from home. Having something like this will help those people who like to check things off and make sure.

Of course you can end up looking in your manual for said camera to look up your camera controls, but having this built into the application can be very handy.

As you can see from the Nikon D90 camera controls to the right, they offer to view the front, back, top, and the symbols used for the camera modes.

I can see this coming in handy, but come on, where's Sony? I know it might be a lot of work to label all of these images and put them into the application, but Sony is pretty big in the DSLR market too.

I agree though with the minimal amount because if you did add more cameras to this list, it would raise the file size of the app significantly.

Because of the built in accelerometer, you're able to make sure your tripod is level to the ground. This is a nice feature to have because you cannot always trust the eye; as seen in the right photo.

Also, they have the rule of thirds, which is basically a rule that photographers use when positioning the main attraction in an image. It simply allows you to split your view of your camera into nice different sections.

And of course, there's a flashlight tool, which makes sure your backlight will not shut off. Very simple, but handy sometimes.

The part of tens simple has the top ten things to take better photos, improve your images, benefits of using Flickr, top online resources, and top maintenance and emergency care tips.

All of these sections lead to sub-sections, which from there, you're able to read about the give tip from 1 to 10.

This is a perfect way to summarize all the information covered in this amazing app.

Lastly, for anyone thinking that this application may help them in any way, I would for sure pick it up in the App Store. This is one amazing application that has a lot of work put into it. It contains a vast area of informations for beginners and for elite photographers. I highly recommend anyone to pick up Digital SLR Photography Toolkit For Dummies if you take pictures even once a year. This is a great read for no matter what type of photographer you may be.

You may pick up Digital SLR Photography Toolkit For Dummies at the below link for only $.99! You get an amazing app that has a lot of content for under about a buck! This is one huge deal, and I am personally going to refer to this application whenever I need to set my ISO. And by the way, this price will not stay this low forever! I would pick it up before this deal ends!

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