Dec 06, 2009

BumpTop Pro Review - Replace That Old Desktop

BumpTop LogoYour good ol' Windows, Linux, or even Mac OS X desktop has been the same boring 2D look for quite a while. When it comes to your desktop, it can play a big role in your work ethic. Personally, when I'm working very hard, I typically have a lot of files on my desktop (both physical and on my computer) and it just becomes a big mess with the grid-aligned icons. Yes, I know you can clean it up using folders or storing it in your documents folder for example, but that's not as accessible as your desktop is; granted when the show desktop button is in the bottom right hand corner of every Windows 7 desktop.

My point is, there has to be some way to make organization on your desktop a lot easier than what the standard is today. You know what, there is! A company called Bump Technologies has created a software to achieve this; BumpTop, which turns your boring ol' desktop into a futuristic one with 3D effects and even piles!

You might ask, how can this help me out? That's very simple. A desktop that allows you to pile certain items together really does help mainly because it saves a lot of space and it's very easy to find things. But that's not all what BumpTop can do, there's more.

BumpTop also has the ability to upload your photos to Facebook and even Twitter (using TwitPic). Right from your desktop, you're able to connect and share photos all from the convenience of your desktop. With BumpTop's 3D interface, you can also view photos, shove things in the corner with real-world physics, add photo frames, and even skinning ability!

And so one kind of information space that I kind of take inspiration from is my real desk. It's so much more subtle, so much much more kind of visceral. And I'd like to kind of bring that experience to the desktop. -Anand Agarawala

I couldn't of said it any better myself. BumpTop is something that you really cannot describe in words; it's something you need to see for yourself. Because of that, I have a video review for you below.

Before you watch the video, I have to give a hand out to Anand for providing me with a BumpTop Pro serial to review all of the features BumpTop has to offer. BumpTop is truly a remarkable program - it will revolutionize the way we use our desktops. When you first download BumpTop, you don't think to yourself, "how does this work"? Instead, BumpTop takes on the physics used in real life. You can throw things around, bump things into each other, watch piles collapse (my favorite thing to do), and even post a tweet all from your desktop. I've tested BumpTop in the very early stages when it first was noticed, and it's still the same thing I remember, but with a tad bit more features.

BumpTop provides you with a breathtaking user interaface and with so many splendid animations; you will want to boot up your computer in the morning first thing; maybe even making you use your mouse or even your screen a bit more than you used to! BumpTop is also thinking about a Mac and Linux version (look at the bottom of their download page).

You can download or even purchase the pro version of BumpTop here:

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